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The humble bumble bee...

Watch closely the odd shaped Bumblebee dart.
With a body too fat and wings too short .
Even scientists say it is easily seen,
this creature is not a flying machine.
But watch it now as it hovers so still,
even a helicopter can’t match its skill.
Watch now as it darts like a streak of light,
this Bee shows he knows how to fly all right.
Watch it go, wow; it makes flying look easy,
his wings are so fast they make it breezy.
This Bee is living proof for you and me,
that science can’t top the agile Bumblebee.
If you are told that something can’t be done,
that if you try it you will look real dumb,
just say, “watch the small humble Bumblebee.
God’s proof that the impossible can be.”

by Robert Hewett Sr.

all pictures by me please don't use without my permission
 Buon week end a tutti voi!



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  1. La lavanda con questo bell'insetto..Bumblebee...davvero foto deliziose.

  2. Che bellissime queste foto <3

    Se ti va passa a salutarmi, lo apprezzerei :)
    Baci, Elena

  3. che bel blog... è accogliente sembra proprio di entrare in una casa inglese!
    passa a leggermi se ti va!
    un bacio

  4. Beautiful photographs Etta! Hope you had a great weekend!
